Friday, December 2, 2011

Being Thankful

Life happens.  And rarely when it's scheduled.  Today did not turn out as I planned.  At all.  Not really even a little bit.  Here's how my day was 'supposed' to go...

Wake up to a lovely cup of coffee.  Get B off to school with a belly full of nutrition and a heart full of love.  Dress E and me so that we are perfectly darling for our date with our friends.  Complete the meal plan for the week as well as the grocery shopping.  Enjoy a delightful break with friends ~ drinking in their wonderfulness and love.  Clean the house when we get home ~ during E's 3 hour afternoon nap.  Watch an episode of The Kennedys from the dvr.  Leave the house at 4pm sharp with entire family in the mindset to support B for his jump rope performance at Metro State.  Drive by the City and County building on  our way home to experience the beautiful lights ~ and to mark off one more Christmas evening activity.  whew!

Here's a more accurate description of how my day actually played itself out...

Wake up to E chanting 'Mama!  Maaaamaaaa!'  Silently grumbling while remembering the many months I yearned to hear my daughter say anything other than 'dat dats', 'Bubba' or 'Dada'...

Called Mr. to find out what time he thought he'd be home.  Found out that his shower was 'lukewarm' this morning and he asked if I could be home when the plumber came by to figure out what was wrong with the hot water heater.  Spent the next few minutes imagining our house being flooded by the water in the heater ~ right after it had been destroyed by the gas explosion.  Recovered from that by considering what we could do without during this holiday season.  I say holiday season because we have a birthday coming up for someone, too.  Did I mention that already....?

Ran B through his morning routine and decided on letting him have school lunch because I was too lazy to prepare more than one nutritious meal for one of my most favorite people.

Got dressed and cleaned up E ~ while she cried and threw herself down in fits.  Great time to practice being 2, darling.

Called our host to let her know that while I would much rather be at her house playing, I needed to be at my house to see what I could do about having hot water in the future.  Was informed that I'd have other opportunities to see her new dishes.  Silently, yet no less dramatically, wondered if we'd ever have new dishes again.  Not that I even want new dishes.  But still...

Rounded up my grocery list and lovingly placed (or threw) E into her carseat.  I still had 40 minutes before the plumber was scheduled to arrive.  'I'm sure I can make it through at least one of the stores before I need to be home,' I deluded myself...  Called Mr. to let him know that I had it all under control.  Or that I was about to fall apart... I'm sure that's super helpful to do when he's at work....  Vented for a few minutes about how frustrated I was right up until I realize that I left the 'grocery' envelope at home.  Broke down in tears and got off the phone with Mr.  I'm sure he felt better at that point.

Returned home.  Retrieved cash.  Hurried to store.  Obtained sustenance.  Received call from school nurse.  Panicked.  Declined school nurse's invitation to volunteer at hearing testing next week.  Blamed it on the 2-year-old.  Paid for sustenance.  Loaded car.  Received call from plumber that he was on his way.  'Me too!' I thought.  Finally, something's going as planned.

Plumber inspects hot water heater and lets me know what the problem is.  He even provided me with options for repair vs. replacement.  I opt for repair.  I figure we're not planning on being in this house for more than another year or two.  Nothing else can go wrong, right?  Hello...  right?

E surprisingly does take a nap.  Even while the plumber is replacing our thermo couple and the burner.  Even though a friend and her niece stop by for a visit.  Can anyone explain why she wakes up on a typical day if I answer my phone?

Mr. makes it home early, as planned.  There's enough hot water for me to clean myself up.  Mr. makes our portable dinner so that we are ready to go as soon as B gets home from school.  We even get in the car and head downtown at the time we planned.  Then we hit traffic.  In Denver?  Weird.  We are such suburbanites...

We do make it to the performance in time.  We get to watch the Metro State women's basketball team beat Highlands.  We get to see two performances by the Soaring Hawks.  And we get to see half of the men's game.  And apparently I need a better camera.  B suggested that I get a video next time.  Maybe of his cartwheel.

Then we decide we might as well try to drive by the City and County building.  The Parade of Lights was probably done by 8ish.  Right?  Not so right.  We did get to spend some quality family time sitting in traffic on Speer.  And we did catch a glimpse of the top of the building ~ lit beautifully, I might add.  And E did fall asleep in the car as we had hoped.  

On the way home B asked what our advent activity would be tonight.  I said we were scheduled to make crowns.  He said, 'Maybe we should just do two tomorrow, Mama.'  I kinda love that kidlet a lot.

So that brings me to the Being Thankful part of my day.  Here's my list of gratitude for today...
  • A roof over our head and warm water at the tap ~ usually
  • A husband who loves me and answers my calls ~ almost every time
  • A son who has the most amazing heart of anyone I've ever met.  He's taught me more about love and grace than I care to admit at times.
  • A daughter who is exactly who she is and exactly who she is supposed to be.  At exactly the right time.  She is a blessing and a gift.  Pure and simple.
  • A circle of friends who amaze me.  Women who are real, loving, working, making mistakes, trying their best, and holding it together.  Women who are married or not, have children or not, work outside the home or not.
  • Our 'Emergency Fund' that I had forgotten about ~ but Mr. had not ~ that will cover the expense of the repair.
  • Hershey's kisses and family kisses

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Counting Down...

December 1.  Today.  Really?  So begins a big month in our house.  Your house too, I suppose.  

I don't know about you but I try to be very intentional about our family activities during December.  For the last few years we've had a special fun activity for each day of the month.  An attempt to create some family traditions, I think.  An attempt to weave in the reason we celebrate Christmas.  

I also have a big birthday this month.  I'd like to say that it doesn't bother me to turn... this number.  But I'd be lying.  It's not the number really.  It's all that it represents to me.  Okay, maybe it is the number, too.  A little.

So... today I figured, "Why not add another task to the ever-growing To Do List?"   Why not document this season?  To share.  To process.  To etch in stone.  Here's hoping that I'll be able to maintain this for the next month, at least....

It snowed today.  Not a lot but it did snow all day.  This kept me from going to the grocery store as I had planned.  So I spent the morning making a delicious pumpkin pie baked oatmeal.  And I planned out our dinners for the week.  And I took E outside to play while I shoveled the driveway.  

Tonight we started our Advent activities, too.  I purchased a great ebook this year.  Truth in the Tinsel.  I'm excited to share this with both B and E.  Here's a glimpse at day 1 ~ candle.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Before Me

Today is the eve of my new journey.  My journey to be the "After" me.  It's time to spend some energy taking care of me, too.

I'm feeling scared, vulnerable, ashamed, embarrassed, excited, nervous, eager, and loved. 

I'm not ready to share my "before" picture yet but I'm ready to take the steps to move toward my "after" picture.  And I'm ready to share my journey along the way.

More to come...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Buttermilk Caramel Sauce

So I had some leftover buttermilk and went on a search to find a good use for it.  Imagine my delight to happen upon a recipe for Buttermilk Caramel Sauce on Our Best Bites!  I can see myself spending quite a bit of quality time perusing their vast recipe catalog in the very near future...

But back to the caramel sauce...

Here's the recipe as modified in my kitchen:
  • 3/4 cup buttermilk
  • 2 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons(ish) homemade "corn syrup"*
  • Splash of vanilla
Mix all ingredients except vanilla in a large soup pot over medium low heat.  Once the sauce starts to bubble, continue stirring for about 10 minutes.  The color will begin to take on a caramel tone.  Remove from heat and add the splash of vanilla.

Now prepare to pour a bit over some deserving ice cream, pear crumble, open mouth, or what have you.  B had a friend over tonight for a sleepover and they both loved it! 

I'm freezing the rest of my buttermilk in 3/4 cup portions to make this again.  I'll let you know how that works out.

*Homemade "corn syrup":  So, I ran out of corn syrup on Thanksgiving day this year.  Right smack dab in the middle of making my annual chocolate chip pecan pie.  There was no way that I was going to miss that pie so I decided to try my hand at making my own "corn syrup".  The pie turned out beautifully and the remainder of the syrup was waiting for me in the refrigerator door tonight when I needed it. 
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup water
Cook and stir until all sugar is melted.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I had to, I mean got to, get up with little E this morning at o'dark thirty.  My reward was the opportunity to welcome the morning with my little cuddle bug.  Check out this sunrise from our kitchen window! 
 The best part?  Little E showed her appreciation of God's beautiful greeting by blowing kisses to the sunrise!  Yep, it's official.  I'm totally keeping these kidlets!

May you have a blessed day and have the opportunity to blow kisses to the beauty around you!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Steel Cut Oats

I found a screaming deal at Sunflower Market on bulk steel cut oats last week and finally decided to test them out.  I'd heard a lot about the health benefits of these oats over the years but have to confess that I'd never even seen them.  They definitely don't look like the oats I've seen before...

I did a bit of research on how to use my slow cooker to cook them an opted for the bain marie technique.  My new slow cooker tends to cook hot and I was not interested in waking up to a burnt mess this morning.  :) 
It's so simple!  Here's the brief recipe I used:

  • 1 cup steel cut oats
  • 4 cups water
  • kosher salt
Combine all ingredients in heat safe bowl that is large enough to hold all ingredients and small enough to fit in your slow cooker.  Place a bit of aluminum foil (I lightly crumpled two pieces) in the bottom of the crock and nestle bowl.  Add water to space between bowl and crock ~ I filled mine to the lower ridge of the bowl.  Cook on low overnight.

We woke the next morning to a tasty aroma and a huge amount of oatmeal!  B and I enjoyed ours with a bit of brown sugar and some pomegranate Craisins ~ it's what I had on hand.  Tas-ty!  Tomorrow I'm trying mine topped with banana and a bit of huckleberry honey...
Check out the amount of leftovers that we have!  I've got three E-sized portions and five portions for the rest of us.  A handful are going to the freezer and I'm saving the rest for my breakfast this week.  Almost makes me look forward to waking up....

Next time I'm going to try replacing some of the water with milk (maybe evaporated milk) and may even try cooking it directly in the crock to see if it browns a bit more.  I'll keep you posted.  :) 

Monday, January 10, 2011

This Crazy Life

Welcome to my new blog!  It's bound to be filled with all sorts of interesting information ~ it's about my life, after all.  

You should be able to find information on raising a toddler or school-age child, what to make for dinner, or simply an opportunity to feel better about your day when you get to see how colossally I fail at accomplishing even a single task!

All kidding aside, I clearly need an outlet and an opportunity to document this particular season of my life when being a mother is the most important job I have!